Basic Programming Model
Basic Programming Model
6.2.1 Initialization Sequence
1. Program the MPU_INTC.INTC_SYSCONFIG register: If necessary, enable the interface clock
autogating by setting the AUTOIDLE bit.
2. Program the MPU_INTC.INTC_IDLE register: If necessary, disable functional clock autogating or
enable synchronizer autogating by setting the FUNCIDLE bit or TURBO bit accordingly.
3. Program the MPU_INTC.INTC_ILRm register for each interrupt line: Assign a priority level and set the
FIQNIRQ bit for an FIQ interrupt (by default, interrupts are mapped to IRQ and priority is 0x0 [highest]).
4. Program the MPU_INTC.INTC_MIRn register: Enable interrupts (by default, all interrupt lines are
masked). NOTE: To program the MPU_INTC.INTC_MIRn register, the MPU_INTC.INTC_MIR_SETn
and MPU_INTC.INTC_MIR_CLEARn registers are provided to facilitate the masking, even if it is
possible for backward-compatibility to write directly to the MPU_INTC.INTC_MIRn register.
6.2.2 INTC Processing Sequence
After the INTC_MIRn and INTC_ILRm registers are configured to enable and assign priorities to incoming
interrupts, the interrupt is processed as explained in the following subsections. IRQ and FIQ processing
sequences are quite similar, the differences for the FIQ sequence are shown after a '/' character in the
code below.
1. One or more unmasked incoming interrupts (M_IRQ_n signals) are received and IRQ or FIQ outputs
(IRQ/FIQ) are not currently asserted.
2. If the INTC_ILRm[0] FIQNIRQ bit is cleared to 0, the MPU_INTC_IRQ output signal is generated. If the
FIQNIRQ bit is set to 1, the MPU_INTC_FIQ output signal is generated.
3. The INTC performs the priority sorting and updates the INTC_SIR_IRQ[6:0] ACTIVEIRQ
/INTC_SIR_FIQ[6:0] ACTIVEFIQ field with the current interrupt number.
4. During priority sorting, if the IRQ/FIQ is enabled at the host processor side, the host processor
automatically saves the current context and executes the ISR as follows.
The ARM host processor automatically performs the following actions in pseudo code:
LR = PC + 4
/* return link */
/* Save CPSR before execution */
CPSR[5] = 0
/* Execute in ARM state */
CPSR[7] = 1
/* Disable IRQ */
CPSR[8] = 1
/* Disable Imprecise Data Aborts */
CPSR[9] = CP15_reg1_EEbit
/* Endianness on exception entry */
if interrupt == IRQ then
CPSR[4:0] = 0b10010
/* Enter IRQ mode */
if high vectors configured then
PC = 0xFFFF0018
PC = 0x00000018
/* execute interrupt vector */
else if interrupt == FIQ then
CPSR[4:0] = 0b10001
/* Enter FIQ mode */
CPSR[6] = 1
/* Disable FIQ */
if high vectors configured then
PC = 0xFFFF001C
PC = 0x0000001C
/* execute interrupt vector */
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated