Reference Design
Using the EVM
Referring to the 1-MHz and 2-MHz test cases, the spurs around the fundamental is the noise floor of the
signal source showing through the pass band of the filter. The band-pass filter sufficiently attenuates the
noise in the stop band.
Figure 8. Test Results With a 2-MHz Input
Three approaches can be used to perform development activity:
1. EVM used with TI DSK (e.g., TMS320C6713 DSK) and 5-6K interface board. No custom software
exists to analyze the data captured by the DSP.
2. EVM used with one of many development kits supported by AVNET and Texas Instruments Analog
Adapter Kit. Ensure that the development kit supports AVNET’s AVbus standard; you can navigate to
the AVNET Web site at
and find the Analog Adapter kit along with
various third-party development kits.
3. Design and build your own custom interface.
The ADS1610EVM is a reference design for the ADS1610. It provides a real-world model for the hardware
engineer tasked to integrate the ADS1610 onto the user system board. To achieve the best performance,
the layout used on the ADS1610EVM should be replicated as much as possible. The layout and
component placement of the reference circuitry and modulator clock are critical for achieving best
performance. It is recommended that the modulator clock be routed under the chip and up to the CLK pin.
The 60-MHz high-frequency clock should be routed as far away from the reference and input circuitry as
possible before being routed to the chip. It is vitally important that the reference and power supply pins be
well bypassed near the pins of the device.
The bill of materials and schematic pages for the ADS1610EVM are in the appendixes at the end of this
SLAU180A – May 2006 – Revised August 2006