Dear Customer,
We would like to thank you for choosing a TEXA product for your workshop.
We are certain that you will get the greatest satisfaction from it and receive a great deal of help in
your work.
Please read through the instructions in this manual carefully and keep it for future reference.
Reading and understanding the following manual will help you to avoid damage or personal injury
caused by improper use of the product to which it refers.
TEXA S.p.A reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary to improve the manual
for any technical or marketing requirement; the company may do so at any time without prior notice.
This product is intended for use by technicians specialized in the automotive field only. Reading
and understanding the information in this manual cannot replace adequate specialized training in
this field.
The sole purpose of the manual is to illustrate the operation of the product sold. It is not intended
to offer technical training of any kind and technicians will therefore carry out any interventions
under their own responsibility and will be accountable for any damage or personal injury caused
by negligence, carelessness, or inexperience, regardless of the fact that a TEXA S.p.A. tool has
been used based on the information within this manual.
Any additions to this manual, useful in describing the new versions of the program and new
functions associated to it, may be sent to you through our TEXA technical bulletin service.
This manual should be considered an integral part of the product to which it refers. In the case it
is resold the original buyer is therefore required to forward the manual to the new owner.
Reproduction, whole or in part, of this manual in any form whatsoever without written authorization
from the producer is strictly forbidden.
The original manual was written in Italian, every other language is a translation of the original
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