TESTO 0638.1445 Handling Instructions Download Page 1


The pressure probe works with a differential pressure

according to the principle of a strain gauge. 

Connecting the probes

The pressure inlets in the differential pressure probe are

marked with + and -. The higher pressure should be

applied to the + inlet to achieve the best possible

accurary level. Higher pressure at the + inlet produces

a positive pressure indication, while higher pressure at

the - inlet produces a negative pressure indication.


Set the connected probe to its position of use before

beginning a measurement. We recommend the use of a

magnetic holding fixutre (see ordering data). Zero calibrati-

on should be carred out before the 

measurement in order to guarantee reproducable measu-

rements. The position of the probe should not be altered

during the measurement that follows! Zero calibration is

not necessary for measurements with the absolute pres-

sure probe (0638.1645).  The pressure probes are calibra-

ted in the factory, calibration is carried out when the pres-

sure probe is lying flat (normal position). We therefore

recommend that the probe remains in this position during


Make sure that the pressure probe is not subject to vibra-

tions during the measurement (vibrations effect the results

of the measurement).

Handling instructions

Pressure probe


(±10 hPa), 


(±100 hPa)


(2 bar abs)

Please read before using instrument!

Observe measuring range (max. excessive pressure), too high pressure values can dest-

roy the sensor!

Please read the appropriate  instruction manual before using the instrument!

In order to obtain reproducable measurements with differential pressure probes and to

maintain the accuracy ±3Pa with the 10 hPa probe, the following should be observed:
- The probe must be adjusted to the ambient temperature before the start of the


- Zero calibration must be carried out before beginning a measurement, the position of 

the pressure probe should not be changed during the measurements that follow!

- The pressure probe can be positioned as required.

- Avoid changes in temperature during the measurement!

- O and - inputs!






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