VTG Sentence
VTG contains Track Made Good and Ground Speed
$GxVTG, <1>,<2>,<3>,<4>,<5>,<6>,<7>,<8>*xx<CR><LF>
Gx: NMEA taker identifier. Different identifier can be applied according to user
configuration, e.g. GP, GN, GL, BD
<1> Track Degrees
<2>T = True
<3>Track Degrees
<4>M = Magnetic
<5>Speed Knots
<6>N = Knots
<7>Speed Kilometers Per Hour
<8>K = Kilometres Per Hour
* end of sentence
xx checksum of the all ASCII code
<CR><LF> carriage return and line feed
GSA Sentence
GSA contains GPS DOP and active satellites information.
$GxGSA, <1>,<2>,<3>,<4>,…,<14>,<15>,<16>,<17>*xx<CR><LF>
Gx: NMEA taker identifier. Different identifier can be applied according to user
configuration, e.g. GP, GN
<1>Selection mode: A: automatic M: manual
<2> Mode: 1: no position 2: 2D position 3:3D position
<3> PRN of 1st satellite used for fix
<4> PRN of 2nd satellite used for fix
<14> PRN of 12th satellite used for fix
<15> Positioning Dilution of precision (PDOP)
<16> Horizontal Dilution of precision (HDOP)
<17> Vertical Dilution of precision (VDOP)
* end of sentence
xx checksum of the all ASCII code