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GraphicsSystem Mystify 5700 Ultra – 10/2003 – Page 1 / 2 
All company names and trademarks are registered trademarks and brand names of their respective owners.  
© 1994-2003 TerraTec Electronic GmbH


The hardcore graphics pro! 






This Mystify 5700 Ultra graphics board is designed to satisfy gamers and movie freaks when it 
comes to graphics quality and performance. Razor-sharp images with realistic 3D shading and 
impressive texturing, movie-quality effects wizardry that could have come straight from the major 
studios and speed reserves that just won't quit, even in the most complex scenarios — those are 
the hallmarks of this graphics board. And to get you right into some serious action, we've 
included three premium games: Splinter Cell™, Warcraft® III and Gun Metal™! 
That's what you can expect from the Mystify 5700 Ultra with its powerful nVIDIA FX 5700 Ultra 
chip and powerful 128 MB DDR II RAM (128-bit). It supports current technologies such as CineFX 
2.0, Intellisample™ HCT and UltraShadow™ as well as DirectX 9 and triple vertex shading to 
ensure that you'll be ready for the games of the future as well. We provide everything you need to 
take your Mystify 5700 Ultra to the limit from the very start. 
Splinter Cell™, Warcraft® III and Gun Metal™: With these three games, we have created a varied 
pack guaranteed to enthrall you and allow you to test out the fantastic possibilities of the Mystify 
5700 Ultra to the limit. 








Want to squeeze every last drop of performance from your hardware? Push the possibilities of 
your games to the limit? Then pay attention to this label: "Mystify Your Games". Experience 
perfectly tuned professional equipment, specially developed for the needs of demanding players.
