PCoIP Management Console User Manual
Installing the Management Console using VMware Player
1. The MC is distributed as a VMware virtual machine (VM) contained in a zip file. The
VM is run using VMware Player. VMware Player is a free application that can be
downloaded from
. Follow the directions
provided by VMware to download and install this application on the MC host machine.
2. After installing the VMware Player application extract the contents of the file
PCoIP_MC_relA-B-C_vDEF.zip into a folder on the MC host machine. The release
number (A-B-C) and build ID (DEF) are encoded in the filename.
3. To start the MC, open the folder from step 2 then double click the file
PCoIP_MC_relA-B-C_vDEF.vmx to launch VMware Player and have it load the MC
VM. The MC can also be started from within VMware Player, selecting File->”Open a
Virtual Machine”, navigating to the PCoIP_MC_relA-B-C_vDEF.vmx file and clicking
“Open”. Once VMware Player has launched the MC at least once, the MC can be
restarted from within VMware Player’s startup screen by double clicking on the PCoIP
MC entry in the list of recently opened VMs.
Installing the Management Console into your existing VMware
ESX™ server
1. The recommended method to import the MC VM into a VMware ESX server is to use
the VMware vCenter™ Converter Standalone Client. This free tool can be
downloaded from
. Install the tool before
2. Click the
Convert Machine
button to launch the
Conversion wizard
3. Select source type "VMware Workstation or other VMware virtual machine" and use
the Browse... button to locate the PCoIP MC's .vmx file. Click Next.
4. Select destination type "VMware Infrastructure virtual machine" and enter the address,
user name and password of either the VMware vCenter or the VMware ESX host.
Click Next.
5. Edit the Virtual machine name, if desired, and click Next.
6. Review the options and click Next.
7. Click Finish to begin the conversion. Once complete, start the VM through VMware
vSphere™ Client or your preferred mechanism.
8. Please read section 2.2 “Contents of the Management Console package” to learn
about the contents of the MC virtual machine.
Running the Management Console
Before running the MC, make sure the MC host machine and PCoIP devices are
connected to the same network. The MC supports both DHCP and static IP addressing.
As the VM boots, the VMware console shows a series of standard Linux boot messages
before displaying the MC console interface shown in Figure 2-1.
Once the VM is up, the console displays the MC URL (web site address). The URL is
equal to in the following figure.
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