A TENY innovation. The first depilatory to emit a flash of light to gently destroy hair roots for good.
A unique version of a professional salon technique adapted for personal use.
Ergonomic, light and very small, it is equipped with highly-developed micro-processor technology, which, the results
of lengthy research show, permanently stops hair growth.
Thank you for the trust you have placed in a FRENCH BRAND by choosing TENY, the performance of
which will ensure a great satisfaction and deliver a lasting service.
To get the most out of your appliance, please read carefully the usage advice included in these
instructions for use, and follow the recommendations given.
To understand how the depilatory works, it is first necessary to understand the hair’s growth process, and the
principle of pulsed light.
Hair grows in a pocket in the skin, called a follicle, and it develops over a three-phase cycle, the length of which
varies from person to person and between different areas of the body:
anagen phase
(growth): the root of the hair (the bulb) is nourished by a dermal papilla containing living
cells, the hair is at this stage connected to the bulb
catagen phase
(rest): while developing, the hair creates new cells which replace those which
age and become
separated from their papilla, the hair being now detached from the bulb
t e l o g e n p h a se
( t r a n si t i on ) : t h e h a i r, b e i ng n o lo ng e r n o u r is h e d , we a k e ns a n d f a l ls o u t
wh e n a n e w c yc l e b e g i n s.
The principle of depilation by the action of light consists of using a high-energy light source, to cause the
destruction, by heat, of the hair follicle.
The light rays emitted by the lamp are captured in the hair shaft and conducted down to the root and then
selectively absorbed by the melanin, the pigment which gives the hair its colour.
The rapid absorption of light causes a major increase in temperature inside the follicle. This heat reaches the
root, destroys the bulb, but also damages the germinating cell reservoir and irrevocably destroys the hair, with no
risk to the skin.
EPIL FLASH is a pulsed light depilatory designed to act, in complete safety, specifically on hair bulbs.
By positioning the head on the area to be depilated, the light pulses produced will target only the melanin,
reaching the hair follicle and the cell reservoir where hair is regenerated.
The transformation of light into heat is selectively targeted, and the safety system optimises the aim by adjusting
automatically to different parameters. This process destroys the root with no risk to the skin, and the hair ceases to
Programming allows personalised treatment, taking different skin and hair types into account.
Hair growth is not in phase in any one area at the same time. For best, lasting results, depilation should treat hairs
during their active phase, which means sessions are required at regular intervals.
The swivelling head allows comfortable and accurate use.
The pulsed light is diffused through an exposure window, which covers a skin surface of 3 cm
The automatic one-touch firing ensures a quick operation.
The safety of the firing mechanism is ensured by two electrodes which detect the gel on the skin, and two window
pressure contacts.
Before plugging in, check that the appliance voltage is compatible with your supply. .
Plug the cable into the end of the handle.
The appliance emits two beeps.