Congratulations on your purchase of this quality Tentco product. This extension is designed to connect
two Senior Bow tents (3m x 3m) to create extra space.
Tent & Frame assembly
1. Erect the 2 senior bowtents and position them about 2,3m apart with doors facing each other.
2. Assemble extension frame by matching the coloured coded corners to the coloured coded poles
inserting only the top half of the legs.
3. Pull the extension over the frame into position.
4. Now lift the frame and insert the bottom half of the legs one side at a time.
5. Pull the extension over the top of the bow tents and hook the legs onto the rope on the frame of the bow tent.
6. Fasten the extension to the frame and the bow tent frame with the velcro straps.
7. When everything is positioned correctly secure at all anchor points using the straight pegs.
8. Secure the guy ropes on the extension using the anchor pegs.
9. See list of do’s and dont’s and care instructions overleaf for more useful information.
J hooks
Anchor points
Guy ropes
Anchor points
J hooks
Go to
to view instructional videos on how to erect your tent