Digit 31: Refrigeration system piping options
A: None
B: Suction and discharge valves
C: Suction, discharge, and liquid valves
D: Suction, discharge, and liquid valves with replaceable
core filter driers*
E: Hot gas reheat (HGRH)
F: Suction and discharge valves with HGRH
G: Suction, discharge, and liquid valves with HGRH
H: Suction, discharge, and liquid valves with replaceable
core filter driers with HGRH*
N: E-Coat HGRH*
P: Suction and discharge valves with E-Coat HGRH*
Q: Suction, discharge, and liquid valves with E-Coat HGRH*
R: Suction, discharge, and liquid valves with replaceable
core filter driers with E-Coat HGRH*
Digit 32: Lights/detectors/ convenience options
A: None
B: Convenience outlet
C: Convenience outlet and internal lights*
D: Supply smoke detector
E: Return smoke detector
F: Supply and return smoke detector
G: Convenience outlet with supply smoke detector
H: Convenience outlet with return smoke detector
J: Convenience outlet with supply and return smoke
K: Convenience outlet and internal lights with supply smoke
L: Convenience outlet and internal lights with return smoke
M: Convenience outlet and internal lights with supply and
return smoke detectors*
Digit 33: Controls options
A: None
B: Low ambient
D: Subcool and superheat measurement
E: Low ambient with subcool and superheat measurement
Digit 34: Interface options
A: BACnet
MS/TP, Modbus
, N2
B: BACnet IP
G: BACnet MS/TP, Modbus, N2 with mobile access portal
H: MAP with BACnet IP
K: BACnet MS/TP, Modbus, N2 with MAP and touchscreen*
L: Touchscreen with MAP with BACnet IP*
N: BACnet MS/TP, Modbus, N2 with customer terminal
P: BACnet IP with customer terminal board
U: BACnet MS/TP, Modbus, N2 with MAP and customer
terminal board
V: MAP with BACnet IP and customer terminal board
X: BACnet MS/TP, Modbus, N2 with touchscreen and MAP
and customer terminal board*
Y: Touchscreen with MAP with BACnet IP and customer
terminal board*
Digit 35: Indoor air quality (IAQ) options
0: None
1: Ultraviolet (UV) lights*
2: Carbon Dioxide (CO
) sensors, demand controlled
3: UV lights, CO
sensors, demand controlled ventilation*
Digit 36: Gas heat shipped loose kits
0: None
1: Gas heat, side penetration
2: Gas heat, bottom penetration
3: Gas heat, high altitude kit natural gas (NG), side
4: Gas heat, high altitude kit NG, bottom penetration*
5: Gas heat, high altitude kit liquid propane (LP), side
6: Gas heat, high altitude kit LP, bottom penetration*
7: Gas heat, LP conversion kit, side penetration*
8: Gas heat, LP conversion kit, bottom penetration*
Digit 37: Security options
0: None
1: Supply and return opening burglar bars
2: Supply opening burglar bars
3: Return opening burglar bars
Digit 38: Door options
0: None
1: Viewport*
2: Single handle with padlock*
3: Single handle with padlock and viewport*
Digit 39: Cabinet shipping options
1: Single piece construction
2: Two piece construction
Digit 40: Curb options
A: No roof curb
B: Full perimeter roof curb
C: Pedestal curb
Digit 41: Pre-evap options
0: None
1, 2: Blank pre-evap extension, no air blender*
3, 4: Blank pre-evap extension, with air blender*
1, 2: Blank Pre-Evap Extension, No Air Blender
3, 4: Blank Pre-Evap Extension, with Air Blender
Digit 42: Shipped loose options
0: None
1: Spare Belts for Return/Exhaust
Digit 43: Construction standard
0: None
Digit 44: Supply fan VFD frequency
1: 68 Hz
2: 70 Hz
3: 72 Hz
A: 66 Hz
B: 64 Hz
C: 62 Hz
D: 60 Hz
E: 58 Hz
F: 56 Hz
G: 54 Hz
H: 52 Hz
J: 50 Hz
K: 48 Hz
L: 46 Hz
M: 44 Hz
N: 42 Hz
P: 40 Hz
Q: 38 Hz
R: 36 Hz
S: 34 Hz
T: 32 Hz
U: 30 Hz
V: 28 Hz
W: 26 Hz
X: 24 Hz
Y: 22 Hz
Z: 20 Hz
Digit 45: Supply fan brake horsepower (each motor)
A: 2 HP
B: 3 HP
C: 5 HP
D: 7.5 HP
E: 10 HP
F: 15 HP
G: 20 HP
H: 25 HP
J: 30 HP
K: 40 HP
L: 50 HP
M: 60 HP
N: 75 HP
Digit 46: Return fan brake horsepower
B-L : Internal use only
Digit 47: Future 4
0: None
Digit 48: Testing and special quotation (SQ)
0, Y, Z: None
T: Record test report
M: Mechanical special
1: Mechanical special and record test report
S: Software special
3: Software special and record test report
B: Mechanical and software special
5: Mechanical and software special and record test report
Digit 49: Generation/revision level
1: First generation
2: Second generation
*Item noted will be available in the future for the 60 ton to 80 ton cabinet.
Omni™ Premier 25 Ton to 80 Ton Rooftop Units Installation and Maintenance Guide