P a g e
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Akçaburgaz Mah. Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. No:55/1 Esenyurt / İstanbul / TÜRKİYE
TEL: +90 (212) 544-2518 FAX: +90 (212) 577-6557 www.temelsan.com [email protected]
Rack Up Button
While user keep touched the button the arrows will
show the red color. While arrows are painted on red means the rack is
moving up.
Rack Down Button
While user keep touched the button the arrows will
show the red color. While arrows are painted on red means the rack is
moving down.
Actual Position Indicator
The indicator shows actual position of table
The password configuration page is just allowed for an authorized user. The simple
operators cant use the password configuration page. They just can use the button
to back on user login page.
The maintence user authorizes to add or remove users, to change the users
passwords and delete the user, this user is autohized to change the name of
operators or to take reports from the machine about users usage. The indication of
users usage times for the machine will stay until taken report to USB stick. When
maintenance user get the reports all working times of operators will be cleared.
The maintenance user should signed in to system with the user name SERVIS and
password 1234. Also the maintenance user will be available to get the necessary
reports from the machine.
To take the reports from machine, to change the names of operators or to do
necessary regulations on users, maintenatnce user should click to Take Report
Button (BUTTON NR 8) on user login page.
Following page will appear to change the user names. The changing of user names
its will be just for simply appear on screen but generally they will get in connected
with user names what is written on the page 24
( Please do not chage those
names other case PLC will be out of order until new program installed on
that. )