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5. LCD / Time Settings:
5.1 LCD contrast
Can be adjusted between 1 and 9.
5.2 Backlight brightness
Can be adjusted between 1 and 9
5.3 Date
First two digits:
Middle two digits:
Last two digits:
5.4 Time
First two digits:
Last two digits:
6. Power management settings:
6.1 Empty weighing plate special display
If it is ON: there will be a flashing point on display
instead of weight value if scale is powered by
battery and empty during 30 seconds. (in a scale
with LCD display “
” is shown)
If it is OFF: does not work.
6.2 Power management
Manages empty weighing plate special display
mode and the other power saving modes.
If it is ON: works for saving power in all modes.
If it is OFF: works without any power
management in all modes.
7. Filters:
7.1 Median filter
7.2 Average filter
7.3 Point position
It shows the location of point on the unit weight
display. If the number is “ 0 ” point is at the end of
the right side. If it is “ 5 “ point is at the end of the
left side.
8. Calibration:
8.1 Calibration coefficient
(It can be changed, if the calibration key is ON)
8.2 Maximum capacity
(It can be changed, if the calibration key is ON)
8.3 Division
2 x 3000
(division can not be set if it is approved)
6000 / 7500 (division can not be set if it is
12000 / 15000(division can not be
set it is approved)
(It can be changed, if the calibration key is ON.)
8.4 Calibration empty weighing plate internal
(It can be changed, if the calibration key is ON.)
8.5 Maximum capacity unit
0: g
1: kg
2: ton
(It can not be changed, if it is approved)
8.6 Gravity value of place where instruments
was calibrated
(It can be changed, if the calibration key is ON)
8.7 Gravity value of place where instrument
will be used
(It can be changed, if the calibration key is ON)
8.8 Load Cell mV/ V value
9. Relay settings:
Not in this type.
10. Interface settings:
(Only for PRINTER/PC type scales.)
10.1 Communication ON/OFF (On)
If it is ON :RS232 communication is active.
If it is OFF : RS232 communication is inactive.
(It must be activated in only for printer/pc type
scales, otherwise
ER 8
message will be seen.)
10.2 ID Number
( )
Not in this type.
10.3 Continuous transmitting
( )
Not in this type.
10.4 PC data package selection
( )
Not in this type.
Baud Rate ( )
It is communication speed between Computer
and Scale
0: 9600
1: 19200
2: 38400
3: 57600
4: 115200
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11. Testing Menu:
Not in this type.
12. Others:
12.1 Approved
(It can be changed, if the calibration key is ON.)
If it is turned ON, all settings depended on
condition “APPROVED” returns to factory
settings values.
12.2 Starting delay (10sn)
(If it is approved, it cannot be changed)
: Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure continues, call service.
: Wait for a while. Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure still continues, call
: Wait for a while. Sure weighing plate is empty and press
key. If failure continues, turn
off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure still continues, call service.
: Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure continues, call service.
: Initial zero setting range control error. Weighing not allowed.
Be sure the weighing plate is empty. (If the weighing plate is not on scale, put it on to the scale)Turn off
the scale and turn it on again, when the weighing plate is empty.
Call the service if this warning is active again, when the weighing plate is empty.
: Turn off the scale and turn on it again. If failure continues, call service.
: Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure continues, call service.
: Interface communication error. Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If scale is not
pc/printer type and error still continues, call the service.
If scale is pc/printer type, change SET 10.1 to “
” and turn off the scale and turn on it again. If still
continues call the service.
: Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure continues, call service.
: Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure continues, call service.
: Turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If failure continues, call service.
: For pc/printer type models, If alibi memory is full, this message will be shown.
There will be no data transmission to the PC/Printer and new transaction will be blocked until alibi
memory erased.
Erase alibi memory, turn off the scale and then turn on it again. For Printer type models see related
: Loadcell cable detection error. Check loadcell connector and cable. If the
connector is unplugged, plug it again. If failure continues, turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If
failure still continues, call service.
: Wait for a while. If failure continues, turn off the scale and then turn on it again. If
failure still continues, call service.
: See “PrinterUserManualAnnex.doc”. If failure continues, call service.
Lo bAtt
: The battery is empty. Scale does not work. It should be charged or changed as soon as
(on weight display): Weight is more than maximum capacity.
(Price display): Price to pay is too long to shown on display.
Platform (load carrier) is not fitted, or when there is weight on the platform weighing
instrument may be tried to open up. On the empty platform. (The platform is not installed, replace) If
necessary, there was no load on the instrument a more open platform.
If load carrier has two platform, you make sure to empty on load carrier.