Field name
1. Enabled
Check the box to enable the GRE Tunnel function.
2. Remote endpoint IP address
Specify remote WAN IP address.
3. Remote network
IP address of LAN network on the remote device.
4. Remote network netmask
Network of LAN network on the remote device. Range [0-32].
5. Local tunnel IP
Local virtual IP address. Can not be in the same subnet as LAN network.
6. Local tunnel netmask
Network of local virtual IP address. Range [0-32]
7. MTU
Specify the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a communications protocol of
a layer in bytes.
8. TTL
Specify the fixed time-to-live (TTL) value on tunneled packets [0-255]. The 0 is a
special value meaning that packets inherit the TTL value.
Check the box to enable the Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery
(PMTUD) status on this tunnel.
10. Enable Keep alive
It gives the ability for one side to originate and receive keepalive packets to and
from a remote router even if the remote router does not support GRE
11. Keep Alive host
Keep Alive host IP address. Preferably IP address which belongs to the LAN
network on the remote device.
12. Keep Alive interval
Time interval for Keep Alive. Range [0 - 255].