ME310G1 Hardware Design Guide
1VV0301588 Rev. 12
Page 50 of 96
External SIM Holder
Please refer to the related User Guide (SIM Holder Design Guides, 80000NT10001a).
Note: There is no dedicated signal (SIMIN) for “Presence SIM” in the
ME310G1 pinout.
This feature can performed by connecting GPIO_01 (Pad V11) or of
GPIO_02 (Pad V13) or of GPIO_03 (Pad D7) or of GPIO_04 (Pad D9) to
the switch embedded in the sim-holder.
SIM detection can be configured by a specific AT Command.
Refer to the SW User Guide or the AT Commands Reference Guide
for the full description of this function.
Figure 8: SIM Holder schematic
Warning:Pull-up 470K is required across CTANK (ball N4) and switch
embedded in the sim-holder.
ADC Converter
The ME310G1 is provided by one AD converter. It is able to read a voltage level in the
range of 0÷1.8 volts applied on the ADC pin input, store and convert it into 10 bit word.
The input lines are named as ADC (available on Pad B18).
The following table is showing the ADC characteristics: