Hardware User Guide
1VV0301298 Rev. 1.05 - 2017-06-18
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To check whether the device has powered OFF, monitor the PWRMON hardware line. When
PWRMON goes low, the device has powered OFF.
Hardware Shutdown
To turn off LE910Cx module, the ON/OFF# pad must be asserted low for at least 2.5 seconds and
then released. Use the same circuitry and timing for power-on.
When the hold time of ON/OFF# is above 2.5 seconds, LE910Cx goes into the Finalization state and
in the end shuts down PWRMON.
The duration of the Finalization state can differ according to the current situation of the module,
so a value cannot be defined.
Usually, it will take more than 15 seconds from sending a shutdown command until reaching a
complete shutdown. DTE should monitor the status of PWRMON to observe the actual power-off.
Figure 7: Hardware Shutdown
To check whether the device has powered off, monitor the PWRMON hardware line. When
PWRMON goes low, the device has powered off.