Page 1: ...uilt incopilot yoke switch it should not be used lf copilot PTTcapability is desired use a portable PTTswitchpluggedinto the copilot PTTswitchjack on the PC 2 3 If poltablePTTswitches are used do not plug microphonesintothem as the PTTswitcheswill have to bepressedto talk overthe intercom Plugmicrophonesintothe PC 2 microphonejacks only Connectan extemalmsicsource to the rearpanelMUSIC INPUTjack o...
Page 2: ... to activatethe intercom While talking into pilot and copilot microphones adjust the PILOTVOL and COPILOTVOL headphonevolume controlsasdesired Tum onthe music source If the musicsource has a volume control adjust it for the desired listeninglevel in the headohones If the music source does not have a volume control the level mav be adiusted usinathe MUSIC trimnier on the rear panelof the PC 2 Talk ...
Page 3: ... uses a built inmicrophone to monitorthe noise level inthe aircraft The microohoneis locatedonthe top panelof the PC 2 nextto the pilot MIC and PHONEjacks For proper operation do notobstructthe microphone Inmost casesthe manualsquelch controlshould be left inthe extreme clockwise osition and the automatic sauelchcircuitwill comoensatefor mostchan gesin ambient noise level hdwever if the ambieninoi...