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32 Elkay Dr., Chester, New York  10918  (845) 469-4551.

Tele Vue

V i s i o n a r y


In these cases, consider using the supplied 

back plate pads to correct the fit. The pads 

should be stuck on the back plate under-

neath the phone and not interfere with the 

clamps around the phone body (Fig E). 

Before removing the phone to place the 

padding, note the position of the oppos-

ing clamps on the engraved scale. Keep 

the padding within these positions. Trim the 

padding as necessary and peel off the self-

adhesive backing before applying to the 

back plate. 

Telescope Pre-Installation Notes

• Make sure the telescope is locked down 

and stable before attaching FoneMate

 to it.

• Visually focus the desired eyepiece while 

on the scope before attaching the adapter to it. 

• Depending on the size of the eyepiece, 

it may be easier to connect the phone to it 

while off the telescope. Mounting the parts 

off the scope also prevents decentering the 

target in the field of view.

• If the eyepiece has an adjustable eye-

guard, lock it in place to prevent sudden move-

ment before attaching it to the FoneMate


• Become familiar with which direction to 

turn the adapter ring to lock and unlock it 

to the eyepiece. When FoneMate

 is rest-

ing on top of the eyepiece, the ring is lock-

ing when turned counter clockwise. Fewer 

threads will be showing.

• CAUTION, if the eyepiece is placed 

standing on a flat surface, the unbalanced 

weight of the FoneMate™ plus smart phone 

may cause the eyepiece to topple.

Installation on Eyepiece

1. Remove rubber eyeguard from eyepiece.

2. Rotate eyepiece adapter ring, located 

on the underside of the FoneMate

, out into 

the unlocked position so that four threads are 

visible. Do not rotate the ring further out than 

this (there are only five threads holding it on).

3. Plah7( ph)4on 7( ada12(p)15t)83e  ect9(7( ada12(p)16t)83e)56ro
