200/BM470 Marking System
© 2011 –2012 Telesis Technologies, Inc. – All Rights Reserved
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The Telesis
200 marking system permanently prints
messages into a variety of materials such as steel, aluminum, and
plastic. An electric solenoid accelerates a hardened pin to indent
dot matrix characters into the item being marked. Character shape,
size, density, and location are determined by the user through the
marking system software.
Marking Head
is an electromechanical
marker. A thermo-formed cover houses the internal, mechanical
components that position the pin cartridge and fire the marking
pin. A spring returns the pin to its idle position within the
cartridge. The marking head moves the pin cartridge through X-
and Y-axis motions to reach the correct position for each dot of
the characters to be marked. The system software automatically
controls pin extension to mark the message.
The marker uses two stepper-motor drives to rapidly and
accurately position the pin at coordinate-defined locations in the
marking window within 0.032 mm (0.00125 in.). The marker
accommodates the rigorous dynamics of impacting, rebounding,
and rapid positioning of the marking pin through a system of rigid
rails and ball bearing saddles, timing belts, and direct-drive,
toothed pulleys.
The pin design permits high quality, consistent marks on irregular,
slightly curved surfaces. It also accommodates applications where
marking surfaces cannot be positioned at a consistent distance
from the marker.
Marker Cable
connects the marker to the BM470 Controller.
The cable is 4 m (13 ft.) long and is pre-wired to the marking
Pin Cartridge
, machined from engineered plastic materials,
offers long life with little maintenance. Screws attach the pin
cartridge to the marking head for easy removal, cleaning, and pin
25XLE-series Marking Pins
are made of tungsten carbide
and are available in 30° and 45° cone angles.
BM470 Controller
contains an integrated keyboard with an LCD
display. It provides a text-only operator interface and allows full
operational control of the marking head. The back panel provides
an electrical interface for connecting optional, remote I/O sources.
Refer to
BM470 Controller Specifications
for details.
Tool Stand
holds the marking head and provides a base for
securing parts to be marked. It uses a screw jack with an
adjustment wheel to position the marker above the marking
surface. Adjustment locks secure it in place. The generous
vertical adjustment accommodates parts up to 298.4 mm
(11.75 in.) high. The tool stand base contains slots to
accommodate part fixtures. The tool stand comes with two 8mm
T-nuts to aid in securing the parts for marking..
BenchMark200/BM470 Marking System – General Arrangement