4.1 Operation via keyboard
Turn on the power switch after checking the system connections. The following
information will be displayed on screen:
Model name & V2.10
The SN is the unique serial number of this product. The following chart displays the
definition of SN.
Device Type
Hardware Version
Software Version
Device ID
The initial status of the keyboard is locked, and you have to unlock it before operation.
To unlock it, please press "OK" key, "OK" key, "ESC" key and "ESC" key sequentially
and promptly. The keyboard may also be locked after it has not been operated for a
certain period of time.
After unlocking, press "
", "
" keys to move around the main menu. Press "
keys to move around the sub-menu. Press "OK" key to enter the selected sub-menu.
Press "OK" key to modify parameters of the seleced item.
Avaliable values of parameter will be flashing and can be selected by "
", "
" keys
when you modify the item. In case of a continually changeable parameter, use "
", "
" keys to move the cursor and press "
", "
" keys to change the value. Press
"ESC" key to give up the modification.
After modification, press "OK" key to confirm it.