TDMC+ Teledyne Dual Mode Charger
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Charging Methods
This section provides details for the two charging methods and how to use them.
Normally Discharged Lead-Acid Battery Three Stage Charge Method
For any normally discharged lead-acid battery, configure the charger for the three-stage charge mode
as follows:
Connect (or Disconnect) a battery only when the charger is either unplugged from AC (off) or
when the display indicates “
-not charging-
Charger Voltage mode:
charger voltage for 12V or 24V operation as appropriate for the
battery to be charged by pressing the button in Screen Section C.
If a 12V battery is charged with a 24V charge curve the battery may be overcharged
causing potentially serious damage.
Charger Current mode:
for 6A to 1A as appropriate for the battery to be charged by
pressing the button in Screen Section D.
: Teledyne Battery Products does not recommend using a charge current (Amps) that is
greater than the battery capacity in Amp hours. Always follow battery Component Maintenance
Manual (CMM) guidance. CMM are available at www.TeledyneBattery.com.
Charge Cycle End Condition: There is only one .5A current set point ending condition For
Normally Discharged Lead-Acid Battery Charge Method.
“End at .5A”
in Screen Section E.
With this selection, the charger will follow the three-stage charge mode recommended for use
with all normally discharged lead-acid batteries.
Go! Button:
User initiated
charge cycle
After confirming charger configuration, press the button in Screen Section F to start the
charge cycle.
Details of Three Stage Charge Method
Stage 1: Constant Current
Bulk Charge
With the battery in a discharged state, charging initiates
in constant current mode. Current is maintained at
user specified current as the battery voltage increases.
The charger automatically progresses to Stage 2 based
upon the battery voltage. This stage is allowed a
maximum of 6 hours.
Stage 2: Constant Voltage
When the battery voltage has reached the 12 or 24V
set-point, charging continues in constant voltage mode.
Voltage is maintained as the charging current
decreases. The charger automatically progresses to
Stage 3 based upon the battery current. This stage is allowed a maximum of 6 hours.
Stage 3: Constant Float
Finishing Charge
When the charge current has dropped off to the .5A setpoint, the charge is complete.
The charger continues in float voltage mode. Voltage is maintained at float voltage level to
keep the battery charged without boiling out electrolyte or overcharging the battery.
The battery may be left connected to the charger and in constant float until use.
Three Stage Charge Algorithm