Chapter 6
LightField First Light
9. Turn on the light source at the spectrograph’s entrance slit.
10. Click Run to begin previewing the data.
Depending on the display settings, you should see either a spectral band (image) or
a graph. Background noise will decrease as the camera cools to its default
11. Turn off the light source. The data display should change to a background noise
pattern or low intensity graph.
If this occurs you have confirmed that light entering the spectrograph is being seen
by the camera.
12. If there is little or no difference between the data displayed when the light source is
on or off:
a. Verify that the light source has power and is turned on.
b. Verify that the entrance slit is open at least 10 mm.
c. Check the Exposure Time (Common Acquisition Settings expander).
d. Verify that there is no shutter between your spectrograph and the camera. If
there is a shutter and you wish to drive it using TTL output signals from the
Lansis, verify that the cables are connected properly and the camera output
signals are correctly configured.
13. For additional assistance, contact Customer Support. Refer to
on page 100 for complete information.
Data Acquisition
Perform the following procedure to acquire live data:
After the system has been aligned and focused, stop the camera
2. Make any required changes to the experiment setup and software parameters.
Changes may include:
Adjusting the exposure time;
Setting up an entrance slit shutter;
Changing the timing mode to External Sync;
Lowering the temperature.
3. Begin running Acquire mode. Data will be acquired and displayed/stored based on
the experiment settings.
4. Once data acquisition is complete, either:
Leave the camera power on so the array temperature will remain locked for
subsequent data acquisition;
Shut down the system. Refer to
, for proper
shutdown procedures.
System Shutdown
Perform the following procedure to shutdown the Lansis system:
1. Set the camera’s temperature to 0 °C and allow it to come to temperature.
2. Exit LightField.
3. Turn off the light source.
4. Turn off the spectrograph.
5. Turn off the camera power.