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Power :: nrgSMART™ Controller
Installation Guide
nrgSMART describes the family of distributed network
monitoring and management products, from BDFB’s to
high current and low current secondary panels. nrgSMART
allows you to collect performance data on distributed assets
and tools to help you efficiently access business critical and
actionable information.
Telect recognizes the industry need to manage distributed
assets more efficiently, get better power performance out of
deployed assets, as well as pursue realistic and achievable
alternative energy goals. Through nrgSMART, access to data
at the equipment level provides the foundation for managing
performance of a distributed DC power distribution system.
• Individual circuit monitoring:
measure power at
the circuit level. This enables powerful trend analysis
and insights into equipment performance and enables
preventative maintenance processes.
- High accuracy, 100% passive monitoring,
modular sensor modules
Collect feed voltage, circuit current and temperature
• Network Data Collection:
Intelligent interpretation of
the collected data, based on equipment data signature
(smart alarms), drives relevant business decisions.
nrgCONTROL-BT uses an SNMP interface to send data
to a customer’s network management system such as
Forseer or Osprey.