If there is a second incoming call in the process of talk, the screen
will display a second call is waiting. Call wait function is only
available when the network supports this service and you have set
to Enabled in Call wait menu.
Press [Answer soft key] or [Send key] to answer second call.
When the second call is put through, the first call will be switched
to hold state.
Press [End key] to terminate the second call.
4.5.4 Select current phone number
Information of the other side is indicated by small icon in title area
of the screen.
Select the number in talking and press [Option] soft key to display
following options:
Swap: Current call enters hold state, while the held call is
Conference: Add held call to conference call.
End single call: End one call.
End all calls: End all calls.
New call: Dial a new call.
Main menu: Enter the main menu.
4.6 Text edit
When you use your cell phone, you may need to enter text. For
example, to save a name in phonebook, write a short message,
and create a task. You can enter letters, symbols and numbers
through keyboard of your cell phone.