2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
Section 8: Triggering
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
When you select the measure block, the following options are available.
Optional. Specifies the number of readings to make before moving
to the next block in the trigger model.
Reading Buffer
Optional. The name of the buffer where the measurement is stored.
Source Output block
The source output block determines if the output source is turned on or off when the trigger model
reaches this block.
This block does not determine the settings of the output source (such as the output voltage level and
source delay). The source settings are determined by either the present settings of the instrument or
by a source configuration list.
When you list trigger blocks, this block is listed as
When you select the Source Output block, the following options are available.
Output State
to turn the output on or
to turn the output off.
Timing blocks
You can use the timing blocks to control the timing of actions in the trigger model. The timing blocks
include the wait and delay blocks.
Wait block
The wait block causes the trigger model to stop and wait for an event or set of events to occur before
continuing. You can specify up to three events for each wait block.
The event can occur before the trigger model reaches the wait block. If the event occurs after the
trigger model starts but before the trigger model reaches the wait block, the trigger model records the
event. By default, when the trigger model reaches the wait block, it executes the wait block without
waiting for the event to happen again (the clear parameter is set to never).
The instrument clears the memory of the recorded event when the trigger model exits the wait block.
It also clears the recorded trigger event when the clear parameter is set to enter.
All items in the list are subject to the same action — you cannot combine
logic in a single
wait block.