2470 High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument Reference Manual
Section 6: Reading buffers
2470-901-01 Rev. A /
The following loop uses the
command instead of the
command. This loop
shows the same information described in the previous example (reading, units, and relative
timestamps for all readings stored in the buffer). However, because the
command is used
instead of
, each line is tab-delimited (rather than comma-delimited) to produce a
columnar output, as shown below:
for x = 1, mybuffer.n do
print(mybuffer.readings[x], mybuffer.units[x], mybuffer.relativetimestamps[x])
Example columnar-delimited output of above code:
-1.5794739960384e-09 Amp DC
-1.5190692453926e-11 Amp DC
-2.9570144943758e-11 Amp DC
-2.9361919146043e-11 Amp DC
-3.0666566508408e-11 Amp DC
-4.0868204653766e-11 Amp DC
Writable reading buffers
Writable reading buffers allow you to add external data manually to a user-defined buffer on the 2470.
You can create a writable buffer by specifying the writable or full writable style when you create the
buffer over a remote interface using SCPI or TSP commands. You cannot create a writable buffer
from the 2470 front panel.
Be aware that when you create a writable buffer, it immediately becomes the active buffer. If you try
to save readings from the instrument to the writable buffer, errors occur.
If you switch to front-panel control to make readings after selecting or creating a writable buffer, be
sure that you select a buffer that is not of the writable style to be the active buffer before you try to
store readings. Writable buffers are for manual entry of user-supplied data only and do not store
readings measured by the instrument.
To create a writable reading buffer named
with a capacity of 20 readings, send the
following SCPI or TSP command.
Using SCPI commands:
TRACe:MAKE "extData", 20, WRITable