Model 8010 High Power Device Test Fixture User's Manual
Section 6: On-state characterization of a power MOSFET
8010-900-01 Rev. C / March 2017
Suppressing device oscillations (optional)
Power transistors are prone to self-oscillation under forward bias conditions. In such cases, there may
be oscillations or ringing in the gate or drain voltage waveforms. This would be visible using an
oscilloscope or the high speed ADC of the Model 2651 when monitoring the drain waveform.
Some manufacturers recommend adding a resistor in series with the gate terminal to suppress these
oscillations. The manufacturer may recommend a specific resistance value for this use or you may
determine an appropriate resistance value by trial and error. Resistors are not supplied with the
Model 8010, but customer-supplied leaded resistors may be easily installed in the Model 8010.
To add a series gate resistor in the Model 8010:
1. Loosen the binding post that is connected to pin 4 of the device test board.
2. Insert one end of the resistor into the opening at the base of the binding post.
3. Tighten the binding post to hold the resistor in place.
4. Remove the CA-563 cables that connect the Series 2600 HI and SHI terminals to pins 1 and 4 of
the device test board.
5. Connect an alligator clip (customer-supplied) to the banana plug at the end of the SHI cable.
6. Connect the alligator clip to the other terminal of the axial resistor.
7. Stack the HI banana plug onto the SHI banana plug.
Figure 62: Three terminal DUT with a Model 2651 in remote with gate resistor installed