Model 8010 High Power Device Test Fixture User's Manual
Section 3: Working with devices and instruments
8010-900-01 Rev. C / March 2017
The ground wires must be attached to a known protective earth (safety ground) before
powering on instruments. Failure to attach the ground wires to a known protective earth
may result in electric shock. Also, make sure the ground cable is connected to the 8010 test
fixture, the SourceMeter, and the bias tees. Additionally, make sure the grounding plug is in
a grounded outlet.
1. Connect ground wires to the mounting bracket of the remove bias tee kit.
2. Mount the bias tees on the mounting bracket and secure with the screws (see below diagram)
Figure 31: Grounding wires connected to grounding bracket / bias tee attachment example
Capacitance measurements through the Model 8010 are meant to be two-wire (local sense)
measurements. When measuring capacitance through the Model 8010, either disconnect the SMU
sense HI and sense LO cables from the 8010 rear panel, disable the Model 2657 remote sense, plus
any Series 2600 or Model 4200 SMU instruments.