Power-On and Power-Off Procedure
Connecting Your Oscilloscope to a Computer
You may want to document your work for future reference. Instead of saving
screen images and waveform data to a USB
ash drive and generating a report
later, you may want to get a copy of the image or waveform data directly from a
remote PC for analysis. You may also want to control an oscilloscope at a remote
location from your computer.
Two ways to connect your oscilloscope to a computer are through the VISA
(Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) drivers and the e*Scope Web-enabled
tools. Use VISA to communicate with your oscilloscope from your computer
through a software application. Use e*Scope to communicate with your
oscilloscope through a Web browser.
For more information on connecting your oscilloscope to a computer,
including instructions on how to save screen images and waveform data, refer to
the electronic (PDF) MSO/DPO2000B User Manual.
MSO2000B and DPO2000B Installation and Safety Instructions