This manual contains service information for your instrument.
Read the General and Service safety summaries before servicing the product.
Be sure to read the introductions to all procedures. These introductions provide important information needed to perform the
service correctly, safely, and efficiently.
Supported products
This manual contains information that is necessary to service the following products:
• MSO64B
• MSO66B
• MSO68B
Check for a specific product designation in the header at the top of the page, in a heading, table or figure title, or within text.
Material that does not have any specific product designation applies to all products in the manual.
Replaceable parts
This manual refers to any field-replaceable assembly or mechanical part specifically by its name or generically as a
replaceable part. In general, a replaceable part is any circuit board or assembly, (such as the hard disk drive), or a
mechanical part, (such as the I/O port connectors), that is listed in the replaceable parts list that can be replaced in the field.
Where to find operating information
For information on installing, operating, and networking the instrument, refer to the online help or user manual that was
provided with your oscilloscope. You can also find the manual at, by searching for your product.
6 Series B MSO MSO64B, MSO66B, MSO68B Service