This manual contains information needed to service some parts of the AWG5200 Arbitrary Waveform Generators. If further service is
required, send the instrument to a Tektronix Service Center.
If the instrument does not function properly, troubleshooting and corrective measures should be taken immediately to prevent additional
problems from occurring.
To prevent personal injury or damage to the instrument, consider the following before beginning service:
• The procedures in this manual should be performed only by a qualified service person.
• Read the
on page 4 and the Service safety summary.
When using this manual for servicing, be sure to follow all warnings, cautions, and notes.
Manual conventions
This manual uses certain conventions with which you should become familiar.
Some sections of the manual contain procedures for you to perform. To keep those instructions clear and consistent, this manual uses the
following conventions:
Names of front-panel controls and menus appear in the same case (initial capitals, all capitals, etc.) in the manual as is used on the
instrument front panel and menus.
Instruction steps are numbered unless there is only one step.
• Bold text refers to specific interface elements that you are instructed to select, click, or clear.
• Example: Press the ENTER button to access the PRESET submenu.
• Italic text refers to document names or sections. Italics are also used in NOTES, CAUTIONS, and WARNINGS.
• Example: The Replaceable parts section includes an exploded view diagram.
Symbols and terms related to safety appear in the General safety summary.
Product documentation
The following table lists additional documents for the AWG5200 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators.
Table 1: Product documentation
Tektronix PN
Safety and Installation
This document provides
product safety, compliance,
environmental, and power on
information and basic instrument
power specifications.
Printable Help
This PDF file is a printable
version of the AWG5200 Series
instrument help content. It
provides information on controls
and screen elements.
Table continued…
AWG5200 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators Service Manual