2. Turn on the channel to which the probe is connected. Turn off all other channels.
3. Attach the probe tip and reference lead to the probe compensation connectors.
4. Push the Autoset button to display a square wave.
5. Adjust the vertical Scale and Position knobs to display as large a waveform as possible.
6. Use the adjustment tool provided with the probe to adjust the probe until the square wave has as flat a top as possible. See your probe
manual for adjustment location and instructions.
Connect to a network (LAN)
Connecting to a network allows you to remotely access the instrument.
Before you begin
Work with your network administrator to obtain the required information to connect to your network (IP address, Gateway IP address,
Subnet Mask, DNS IP address, and so on).
1. Connect a CAT5 cable from the oscilloscope LAN connector to your network.
2. Select Utility > I/O on the menu bar to open the I/O configuration menu.
3. Tap the LAN panel
4. Obtain or enter the network address information:
• If your network is DHCP-enabled and the IP address field does not already show an address, tap Auto to obtain the IP address
information from the network. DHCP mode is the default mode.
• If your network is not DHCP-enabled or you need a static (non-changing) IP address for this instrument, tap Manual and enter the
IP address and other values provided by your IT or system administrator resource.
5. Tap Test Connection to verify that the network connection is working. The LAN Status icon turns green when the instrument
successfully connects to your network. If you have problems connecting to your network, contact your system administration resource
for help.
Mount a network drive
Use this procedure to mount (map) a network Linux mount point or Windows shared directory on a standard instrument.
Before you begin
The oscilloscope must be connected to a network that has access to the directories to mount or unmount. See the Connect to a network
(LAN) topic in the application Help.
To mount a Linux network drive on the oscilloscope, the network Linux mount point (drive, host) that you want to mount must be exported.
If the mount point is not exported, work with your organization's IT resource to get that location exported and accessible to your network.
About this task
To mount a network drive on your oscilloscope:
1. Tap File > File Utilities.
Configure the instrument
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help