measurements to any part of the spectrum. This also allows measurement of non-peak spectral content. The readouts for cursors indicate
frequency and amplitude, just like automatic marker readouts.
As with automatic peak marker readouts, the cursor readouts can show either absolute or delta values.
1. To enable cursors, tap Cursors or press the Cursors front-panel button.
2. One cursor is controlled by Multipurpose knob a.
3. The other cursor is controlled by Multipurpose knob b.
4. Double-tap the reference cursor to open the Cursors menu.
5. To bring the reference cursor to the center of the screen, tap Reference To Center.
6. To change the readouts from Absolute to Delta readouts for frequency and amplitude, tap Readout Delta.
7. To change the readout units, double-tap the RF badge to open the RF menu, and then tap Units and select the desired units from the
Use the Arbitrary Function Generator
The instrument contains an optional integrated arbitrary function generator (AFG).
The AFG is useful for simulating signals within a design or adding noise to signals to perform margin testing.
The function generator provides output of predefined waveforms up to 50 MHz. Choose between sine, square, pulse, ramp/triangle, DC,
noise, sin(x)/x (Sinc), Gaussian, Lorentz, exponential rise/fall, Haversine, and cardiac signals.
The AFG can generate up to 131,072 points of an arbitrary waveform. You can create the waveform from any of the four internal
ARB memories, the four (or two) analog channels, the four (or two) reference waveforms, the math waveform or the 16 digital channel
waveforms. You can also use a .CSV (spreadsheet) file stored externally or a predefined template.
For waveform manipulation, you can use Tektronix’ ArbExpress PC-based waveform creation and editing software. It is available for free
download from Use version 3.1 or later with this instrument
How to access the AFG
To access the AFG output, connect your cable to the port marked AFG OUT in the back of the oscilloscope.
To see the output of the AFG, connect the other end of the cable to one of the input channels on the front of the oscilloscope.
Waveform acquisition concepts
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help