Acquisition modes
Acquisition is the process of sampling an analog signal, converting it into digital data, and assembling it into a waveform record, which
is then stored in acquisition memory. The acquisition mode determines how the waveform record points are calculated from the sampled
waveform data.
How the acquisition modes work
Acquisition mode
Sample mode retains the first sampled point
from each acquisition interval. Sample is the
default mode. The instrument does no post
processing of the acquired samples in this
Peak Detect mode retains the highest and
lowest values of all the samples in two
consecutive acquisition intervals. This mode
only works with real-time, noninterpolated
sampling and is useful for catching high
frequency glitches.
High Res mode calculates the average
of all the samples for each acquisition
interval. This mode also only works
with real-time, noninterpolated sampling.
Hi-Res provides a higher-resolution, lower-
bandwidth waveform.
Envelope mode finds the highest and
lowest record points over many acquisitions.
Envelope uses Peak Detect for each
individual acquisition.
Average mode calculates the average
value for each record point over a user-
specified number of acquisitions. Average
uses Sample mode for each individual
acquisition. Use Average mode to reduce
random noise.
FastAcq™ mode is helpful in finding elusive
signal anomalies. Fast acquisition mode
reduces the dead time between waveform
acquisitions, enabling the capture and
display of transient events such as glitches
and runt pulses. Fast acquisition mode
can also display waveform phenomena
at an intensity that reflects their rate of
Waveform acquisition concepts
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