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Figure 13 shows the settings for a user-defined pulse on the P4-pin1 output. The
values shown will result in a single pulse per minute. The pulse will begin 59.99
seconds after the start of the minute, and will last for 1/100
of a second (10ms).
These settings of the pulse output on P4-pin1 are normally used in conjunction
with the “NTGS ASCII” String on P4 to give an “NTGS synchronisation protocol”
8.4.2 P4 Serial String
The serial port output
operates at the fixed data rate of 9600bd with no flow control
and 8-bit, no parity format unless otherwise specified. The standard TCG 01 outputs are
broadcast messages sent at regular intervals. The broadcast repetition rates, timings, and
message content are all described in the
Serial Output Strings Appendix
on page 42.
Descriptions of each string are also built into the configuration tool; select the output
string from the drop-down list in the configuration tool, and press F1.
IRIG-B Options
8.5.1 Binary Seconds in IRIG-B
The “Binary Seconds” field is an option specified by IRIG standard 200-98. If this option
is checked, all of the outputs programmed for IRIG-B code – including the amplitude-
modulated output - will include the “Binary Seconds of Day” data.
8.5.2 IRIG-B Extensions
IRIG Standard 200-98 specifies a 27-bit control field in the IRIG-B time codes, but does
not define the content. If either of the following options are checked,
IRIG-B outputs
- including the fixed AM output (P5) - will include the extension data in the control field.
IEEE1344 Extensions (US origin)
IEEE1344 defines fields for: Year, Impending leap second info, Local time offset info,
impending daylight savings change, time-quality.
AFNOR NF S87-500 Extensions (European Origin)
AFNOR S87-500 defines fields for: Day of year, day of week, year, month, day of month.
Local/UTC Selection
8.6.1 UTC Time in DCF-77, IRIG-B, ASCII String O/P
When checked, UTC time will be output in this time code. Otherwise Local time using
TCG 01's current Local Standard Time and Daylight Savings Time settings will be output.