Terms and Definitions
DUT-E fuel level sensors. Operation manual. Version 8.1
Technoton, 2020
Terms and Definitions
is the Technology of combining smart sensors and other IoT devices within one
wire network for monitoring of complex stationary and mobile objects: vehicles,
locomotives, smart homes, technological equipment etc. The Technology is based
and expands SAE J1939 automotive standards.
Information on cabling system, service adapter and S6 software refer to
is a combined group of S6 parameters, which has common
name and number. Functional modules (FM) of the Unit can have input/output PGNs and setup
informational unit of S6. Each SPN has determined name,
number, extension, data type and numerical value. The following types of SPN exist:
Parameters, Counters, Events. SPN can have a qualifier which allows qualification of
parameter’s value (e.g. –
Onboard power supply limit/Minimum).
is the by JV Technoton developed for receiving and processing Onboard
reports via Internet, displaying Operational Data overlapped on area maps,
information storage in database and Analytical reports generation upon user’s
Analytical report
on vehicle or group of vehicles operation for
chosen time period (usually a day, week or month). Can be composed of numbers, tables,
charts, mapped route of vehicle, diagrams.
Onboard equipment
Telematics system elements, directly installed in Vehicle.
Onboard reports
(the Reports)
information about vehicle which is returned to a user of
Telematics system in accordance with inputted criteria. The Reports are generated by a
terminal unit both periodically (Periodic reports) and on Event occurrence (Event report).
(Global Navigation Satellite System)
System for area positioning of an object through
satellite signal processing. GNSS is composed of space, ground and user segments. Currently,
there are several GNSSs: GPS (USA), GLONASS (Russia), Galileo (EU), BeiDou (China).
time-varying or space characteristic of the Vehicle (SPN value). For example,
speed, fuel volume in the tank, hourly fuel consumption, coordinates. Parameter is usually
displayed in the form of graph, or averaged data.
(AVL Server)
hardware-software complex of Telematics service ORF 4, used for
processing and storage of Operational data, formation and transmission of Analytical reports
through Internet by request of
a relatively rare and sudden change in SPN. For example, the sharp increase of
volume in the tank is the Event «Fuelling». An Event may have one or more characteristics.
Thus, the Event «Fuelling» has the following characteristics: «volume of fuel at t
he beginning
of the fuelling», «volume of fuel at the end of the fuelling», «volume of the fuelling» and so
on. As soon as an Event is detected, the Terminal registers the time of the Event which is
subsequently specified in the Report of the Event. The Event is always linked to the time and
the location where it was detected.
cumulative numerical characteristic of Parameter. Counter is displayed by a single
number and over time its value is increasing. Examples of counters: fuel consumption, trip,
engine hours counter etc.