100BASE-T1 SPY 12 Port
User Manual
Use case:
If Device_A (Master) goes to sleep for a time greater than Sleep Time (ms),
100Base-T1 SPY will disable the PHY2, connected to Device_B, and this device will go
to sleep.
Figure 3-10: Sleep time between Master and Slave
As soon as there is a LinkUp recognized in Device_A, connected to PHY1, PHY2 will be
enabled again and the communication will be possible.
the SLEEP FOR PAIR functionality works according to the BR PAIR ID option. If
there are more than two devices with the same
and the
functionality is enabled, the ports taking on this functionality will be the first two ports
found following the order 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B,…
The values for the timings for the pair are set if the BroadR-Reach port is set as
slave (connected to master-ECU). But in order to make this functionality enable, the
SLEEP FOR PAIR functionality must be enabled in both ports (Master and Slave)
configured with the same BR PAIR ID. In the case of 100Base-T1 SPY BroadR-Reach
Master port, the timing options will not appear.
TX/RX Packets:
These two counters show the number of transmitted and received
packets through the selected BroadR-Reach port.
In this release, the TX Packets counter doesn’t work.