The following specifications were taken with a Technalogix modulator/processor. Should a different
modulator or processor be used, specifications could vary. For this reason, we recommend that any
different modulator/processor be shipped to Technalogix so the system can be matched and set up
optimally. In addition, the audio/video ratio the input to the power amplifier needs to be –10 dB in order
for the software and LCD readout to be accurate.
RF Characteristics
Frequency range
any specified VHF Channel 2 to 13
Frequency Response (one channel)
±0.5 dB
Frequency Stability
±250 Hz
60 dB (adjacent channel)
Minimum Input Level
0 dBmV
Rated Visual Output Power
25 Watts
Rated Aural Output Power
10% of peak visual power
IF Output Level
+35 dBmV nominal
Input Impedance
75 Ohms
Output Impedance
50 Ohms
> 60 dB below rated power
Predominant Intermodulation Distortion
dBc = decibels below visual carrier
+ 920 kHz
> -53 dBc
- 920 kHz
> -53 dBc
+ 2.66 MHz
> -53 dBc
- 2.66 MHz
> -53 dBc
+ 5.42 MHz
> -53 dBc
+ 7.16 MHz
> -53 dBc
Order Intermodulation Distortion
+ 4.5 MHz
> -60 dBc
+ 9.0 MHz
> -60 dBc
All others
> -60 dBc
Spurious Emissions
> -60 dBc
NTSC Video Characteristics
Input Level to modulator (for 87.5% modulation)
1.0 V
Differential Phase (at 87.5% modulation)
±2 Degrees
Differential Gain (at 87.5% modulation)
Group Delay
< ±40 nS
Video Group Delay Pre-emphasis
Conforms to IC/FCC specifications
1.9% for 2T Pulse
Hum and Noise
> 60 dB below rated power