Wall-Mount Folding Bench Instructions
Thank you for your order!
We are confident that you will enjoy your Wall-Mounted
Teak Bench for many years to come. An essential part
of your satisfaction is properly mounting the bench.
Failure to do so may result in injury to you or a loved
If you are missing any of the hardware or any of the
components appear to be damaged, please contact
Teakworks4u immediately. Do not attempt to mount
the bench until any missing hardware or damage is
These instructions are for our stock products only, if you
have purchased a custom product please use this only
as a guide as your measurements may differ. If you
have any questions regarding the installation of your
custom product please contact us.
Step 4
For easier mounting, the brackets on your bench are located
at 16" on center, the same as most wall studs. Using the tem-
plate at left, mark the locations of the mounting holes for each
bracket. You can also have someone hold the bench in posi-
tion while you mark the holes directly from the bracket.
Step 5
Using a drill and a 5/32" bit, drill pilot holes in the wall being
sure to stay centered on the stud. Be sure to check that all of
the pilot holes line up with the bracket before proceeding.
Make any necessary adjustments.
Step 6
Again, have someone hold the shelf in place while you set
the screws in place. Use a #3 Phillips screwdriver to set the
screws in part way. Double-check the level of the bench.
This is your last chance to make any minor adjustments.
Once you’re satisfied with the level, using your power drill
fitted with a #3 Phillips bit (you may need the 6" extension bit
at this point), drive the screws firmly against the wall brackets.
Do not over-tighten as this can compromise the strength of the
bracket. Hand test all of the screws to be sure that they are
solidly set in place.
Step 7
Test the locking mechanism of the mounted bench, ensuring
that the bench can be raised and lowered easily.
Step 8
Load test the bench to confirm secure mounting.
You must adhere to your local building codes. If you are in
doubt or feel unsure about mounting the bench yourself,
contact a licensed contractor.
If you have any questions about the mounting procedure, feel
free to contact Teakworks4u.
The tools you need are:
Stud Finder, Drill, 5/32" drill bit, #3 Phillips Screwdriver, 6" #3
Phillips Bit Extension, 12" or longer Level, Tape Measure, and
a Pencil.
Before beginning, check your box.
It should contain the
bench with pre-attached mounting brackets and a hardware
pack containing 6 #12x2-1/2" Marine Grade Stainless Steel
Phillips head screws. Test the bench locking mechanisms to be
sure that they operate properly. Pressing the tang at the front of
bench will activate the mechanism.
Step 1
Select the location for mounting the bench. Keep in mind that
this bench is collapsible so be sure that there is enough
clearance for proper operation of the adjustment mechanism.
Step 2
Following the manufacturer’s instructions for your electronic
stud sensor, locate the wall studs. Depending on the type
of stud sensor you have, you can also use it to locate any
electrical wires or other obstructions in the wall. If you find
electrical wires, water pipes or any other obstructions, it is best
to choose a different location for your bench.
You must mount your bench directly into the center
of your wall’s wooden studs. DO NOT attempt to mount into
steel studs or with any type of wall anchor. This will not provide
adequate support.
Step 3
Measure up from the floor to the desired height of the bench.
We recommend a minimum of 13" to a maximum of 18" but you
can vary this according to your specific requirements. Make a
mark on the wall for the height. Using your level, mark a level
horizontal line to reference as you continue.
Be sure to include the thickness of the bench in
your measurement calculations.