Finally, if the electrostatic speaker driver is enabled via its switch, located on the front panel,
signals A and B are output from the mini-DIN ports located on the RZ6 front panel.
RZ6 Features
DSP Status Lights
These LEDs report the status of the multiprocessor's individual DSPs and will be lit solid green
when the corresponding DSP is installed and running. The corresponding LED will be lit dim
green if the cycle usage on a DSP is 0%. If the demands on a DSP exceed 99% of its capacity
on any given cycle, the corresponding LED will
ash red (~1 time per second). For QZDSPs, the
LED indicates levels for the core with the highest cycle usage.
Front Panel Display Screen
The front panel display screen reports detailed information about the status of the system. The
top line reports the system mode, Run!, Idle, or Reset. The second line reports the user's choice
of status indicators for each DSP followed by an aggregate value.
The user can cycle through the various status indicators using the Mode button to the bottom
right of the display. Push and release the button to change the display or push and hold the
button for one second then release to automatically cycle through each of the display options.
The display screen may also report system status such as booting status (Reset).
When burning new microcode or if the
rmware on the RZ is blank, the display screen will report a cycle usage of
99% and the processor status lights will
ash red.
RZ6 Multi I/O Processor | 9