© TDT GmbH
Chapter 8: Save and restore configuration
Seite 102 von 136
8.1.2 CLI
A SCP tool (e.g. the open-source tool »WinSCP«) is neccessary to download the
configuration created by CLI to your local hard drive. »WinSCP« can be downloaded free of
charge from
First log-in to the CLI and type
save <filename>
in the root menu level. Press
to confirm
the action. The configuration is now beeing written to
directory on the router.
TDT(CLI): save test0
save_config to test0
In this example the file will be deployed as
Now start »WinSCP« and log on to the router´s IP adress. (User and Password according to SSH).
Figure 23: Now you can see the folder structure of the router on the right side and your local disk on the left side.
On the router navigate to
and copy the matching file, whether by using drag and drop or the context
menu onto your local disk. Now you can send this configuration as an Email attachment or archive it.
A configuration saved via CLI only contains the routers parameter shown in
TDT(CLI/status/show): running-config
8.2 Restore configuration
8.2.1 Webinterface
To restore a previously saved configuration, log on to the routers the webinterface using your browser
and navigate to
System > Configuration Handling
In section Upload Configuration press the
button to select the configuration file to
be restored on the router.