After selecting the direction, the command station will program the decoder with the consist address you
If you would like to remove the CV 19 consist address from a decoder, select option “3 Clear Consist
Address” from the DCC Address menu.
7 Configuration
7.1 Factory Reset
The CS-105 can be returned to all factory settings by sending a special command through LCC. In JMRI,
select menu > LCC > Send Frame. In the dialog, find the section with “Send OpenLCB addressed message
to”, and select in the dropdown the CS-105 command station.
In the Contents field, type “20 AA”, then press the Send Datagram button. After a few seconds, the CS will
Factory Reset clears all consists, all Roster entries, removes the WiFi connections including password, sets
all settings back to the factory default, and switches the CS-105 WiFi into AP mode.
: Factory Reset permanently erases data and can not be undone.
7.2 Push Button Track Power On/Off
Pressing the push button on the CS-105 briefly will turn off (disable) track power. This acts on the entire
layout, including auxiliary boosters. Press the button again to turn on (enable) track power. LED1 will be
constant off when track power is disabled. When track power is enabled, LED1 will be on.
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