Quick Start Guide
Unique Spatial Expander Plug-in with Dedicated Hardware Controller
Page 1: ...Quick Start Guide TC1210 DT Unique Spatial Expander Plug in with Dedicated Hardware Controller ...
Page 2: ...Sor twist lockingplugspre installed Allother installationormodificationshouldbe performedonlybyqualifiedpersonnel Thissymbol whereverit appears alertsyoutothe presenceofuninsulateddangerousvoltage insidetheenclosure voltagethatmaybe sufficienttoconstituteariskofshock Thissymbol whereverit appears alertsyoutoimportant operatingandmaintenanceinstructionsin theaccompanyingliterature Pleaseread theman...
Page 3: ...seúnicamentela carretilla plataforma trípode soporteomesa especificadosporel fabricanteosuministrados juntoconelequipo Altransportarel equipo tengacuidadoparaevitardañosy caídasaltropezarconalgúnobstáculo 13 Desenchufeelequipodurante tormentasosinovaautilizarloduranteun periodolargo 14 Confíelasreparacionesúnicamente aserviciostécnicoscualificados Launidad requieremantenimientosiemprequehaya sufri...
Page 4: ...es recommandésparlefabricant Consignes de sécurité 12 Utilisezexclusivement deschariots desdiables desprésentoirs despieds etdessurfacesdetravail recommandésparle fabricantoulivrésavecleproduit Déplacez précautionneusementtoutchariotou diablechargépouréviterd éventuelles blessuresencasdechute 13 Débranchezl appareildelatension secteurencasd orageousil appareilreste inutilisépendantunelonguepériode...
Page 5: ...in 13 VerwendenSienurZusatzgeräte Zubehörteile dielautHersteller geeignetsind 14 Verwenden SienurWagen Stand vorrich tungen Stative HalteroderTische dievomHerstellerbenannt oderimLieferumfangdesGerätsenthalten sind FallsSieeinenWagenbenutzen seienSievorsichtigbeimBewegender Wagen Gerätkombination um VerletzungendurchStolpernzuvermeiden 15 ZiehenSiedenNetzsteckerbei GewitteroderwennSiedasGerätlänge...
Page 6: ...eve estarsempreacessível 13 Utilizeapenasligações acessórios especificadospelofabricante 14 Utilizeapenascomo carrinho estrutura tripé suporte oumesa especificadospelo fabricanteouvendidos comodispositivo Quandoutilizarum carrinho tenhacuidadoaomovero conjuntocarrinho dispositivoparaevitar danosprovocadospelaterpidação 15 Desligueestedispositivodurante astrovoadasouquandonãoforutilizado durantelon...
Page 7: ...dn t get any easier Plug the included USB cable into the unit s rear micro USB port and connect the other end to a free USB port on your computer The TC1210 is bus powered so no other power cables are necessary and no additional drivers need to be manually installed The TC1210 will light up upon successful connection You can now apply the plug in to a channel in your DAW to begin using the effect ...
Page 8: ...s of parameters Primary the parameters that are adjusted on the physical unit These include common items such as speed depth and spread Secondary the parameters adjusted in the plug in UI window These include input and output level and some advanced parameters Download the full user manual from www tcelectronic com TC1210 dt support to learn about all the details of both the hardware and UI functi...
Page 9: ...ort which mayalsobefoundunder Support atbehringer com Alternatively pleasesubmitanonlinewarranty claimatbehringer comBEFORE returningtheproduct 3 Power Connections Beforepluggingtheunitintoa powersocket pleasemakesure youareusingthecorrectmains voltageforyourparticularmodel Faultyfusesmustbereplacedwith fusesofthesametypeandrating withoutexception 1 Registro online Lerecomendamosqueregistresu nuev...
Page 10: ...ll not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the eq...
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