Using the transmitter antenna together with a parabolic reflector, you can estimate the heading of the
receiver by looking at the signal strength indicator. Print out the DIY reflector template included on the last
pages of this manual with no scaling on thick paper, place a of aluminium foil on top of the main reflector
sheet and cut out the shapes with an exacto knife. Place the reflector in the middle of the antenna.
How does find mode work
Please see the flowchart to see when the receiver decide to shut down or enter find mode. In short the
receiver shuts down if transmitter and receiver are close to each other or the receiver never got a signal
from the TX, In any other case it enters the find mode if there is a power down event. If the main battery
still powering the system after a crash the receiver will not enter the find mode and keeps running in the
selected operation mode.
Once the receiver entered the find mode also a power saving mode will be activated. This power saving
mode will decrease the beacon signal interval over time. It stays for 10 beacon signals on the same interval
level and remain on the slowest once reached. The interval levels are 1s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 30s and 60s. This
means it can take up to 60s for your transmitter to pick up a beacon signal. This is required to make the
receiver run as long as possible. Once the transmitter receives a beacon signal and send an acknowledge
the receiver will switch back to the fastest interval until the link is lost again.
Once a connection is established the receiver will share the GPS information with the transmitter if a GPS
source is connected or RSSI values to find the receiver with signal strength and the DYI reflector.
Testing find mode
It is highly recommended to go through a crash scenario first so that you are fully aware of all the neat
things we have packed into the Find Mode or Beacon Mode of the TBS Crossfire system.