X4 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 7: X4 Parameters
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© 2007 TB Wood’s All Rights Reserved
700 Vmet Config
Default: Freq Out
Range: n/a
Levels 1,2
This parameter configures the analog signal that will be applied to the Vmet output pin.
The following data values may be assigned to this parameter:
Para. Value
Range Limit
Freq Out
Output frequency of the drive
Parameter max freq.
Voltage Out
Voltage being supplied to the motor
Rated motor voltage
Current Out
Current being supplied to the motor
200% of drive rating
Drive Load
Calculated percentage of drive rating
200% of drive rating
Drive Temp
Calculation of total drive temp rating
100% of unit temp rating
Stator Freq
Commanded frequency
100% of input config
Power Out
Calculated power output of drive
250% of drive rating
PI Fback
Allows the analog output to produce
a signal in proportion to the PI feedback
701 Vmet Span
Default: 100%
Range: 0.0%-200.0%
Level 2
This parameter sets the span of the Vmet analog output.
702 Imet Config
Default: Drive Load
Range: n/a
Level 2
This parameter configures the analog signal that will be applied to the Imet output pin. The following data values may
be assigned to this parameter:
Para. Value
Range Limit
Freq Out
Output frequency of the drive
Parameter max freq.
Voltage Out
Voltage being supplied to the motor
Rated motor voltage
Current Out
Current being supplied to the motor
200% of drive rating
Drive Load
Calculated percentage of drive rating
200% of drive rating
Drive Temp
Calculation of total drive temp rating
100% of unit temp rating
Stator Freq
Commanded frequency
100% of input config
Power Out
Calculated power output of drive
250% of drive rating
PI Fback
Allows the analog output to produce
a signal in proportion to the PI feedback
703 Imet Span
Default: 100%
Range: 0.0%-200.0%
Level 2
This parameter sets the span of the Imet analog output.
704 Imet Offset
Default: 0.0%
Range: 0.0%-90.0%
Level 2
This parameter sets the offset of the Imet analog output.
Table 7-2: Description of X4 Parameters (Page 16 of 26)