X4 AC Drive User’s Manual
Chapter 7: X4 Parameters
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© 2007 TB Wood’s All Rights Reserved
201 Input Mode
Default = Local only
Range: n/a
Levels 1,2
Parameter 201, the Input Mode parameter, configures local and remote control of the Start/Stop source and the
reference source.
The following data values may be assigned to this parameter:
Parameter Value
Run/Stop Control
Local only
Local keypad operation only
Remote only
Terminal strip operation only
L/R Rem Ref
LOCal Keypad Start/Stop and Speed
REMote Keypad Start/Stop, Terminal Strip Speed Reference
L/R Rem Ctl
LOCal Keypad Start/Stop and Speed
REMote Keypad Speed Reference, Terminal Strip Start/Stop
L/R Rem Bth
LOCal Keypad Start/Stop and Speed
REMote Terminal Strip Start/Stop and Speed Reference
{1} {2} {4}
Terminal strip operation using Increase/Decrease buttons
{1} {3} {4}
Terminal strip operation using Increase/Decrease buttons
{1} {2} {4}
LOCal Keypad Start/Stop and Speed
REMote Terminal strip operation using Increase/Decrease
{1} {3} {4}
LOCal Keypad Start/Stop and Speed
REMote Terminal strip operation using Increase/Decrease
1. Electronic Motor Operated Potentiometer (EMOP): simulates the UP/DOWN arrow keys on keypad using external remote N/O
2. Commanded output frequency returns to the value of parameter 301 (Min Frequency) when the drive is stopped.
3. Commanded output frequency remains at the previous setpoint when the drive is stopped.
4. The parameters that set the functions of the designated digital inputs for EMOP must be configured as “EMOP+” and “EMOP–” to
complete the implementation.
202 Rev Enable
Default = Forward
Range: n/a
Levels 1,2
Parameter 202, the Rev Enable parameter, configures whether the REV key on the keypad is functional. If this
parameter is configured to “Forward,” then pressing the REV key on the keypad will have no effect. Note that this
parameter does not affect terminal strip operation.
The following data values may be assigned to this parameter:
Parameter Value
Forward Only, REV key disabled
FWD and REV keys enabled
203 Stop Key Remote
Default = Coast
Range: n/a
Level: 2
Parameter 203, the Stop Key Remote parameter, configures how the Stop key on the keypad will operate when the
keypad is not the drive’s control source (terminals, SIO, or SEQ).
The following data values may be assigned to this parameter:
Parameter Value
Drive will coast to a stop
Drive will ramp to a stop using Decel #1
Stop key will have no function
Table 7-2: Description of X4 Parameters (Page 3 of 26)