Model L850, L852, L858 Series
Troubleshooting Guide
After-Hours Service Call Protocol
The Checklist Before Calling the Taylor Company Call Center form must be completed before starting the
After-Hours Service Call Protocol side of the form.
Grill Operations/Controls
a. Does the grill respond to controls … change modes, turn off, turn on?
b. If no:
1. Go to the back of the grill and pull white switch outward and see how many of the two red lights are lit. If one
or none light up, go to main breaker panel and turn both grill breakers off, then back on. Check grill and make
sure both lights are lit. If both are lit, go to next step. If not, call your local maintenance person or electrician to
find out root cause of power loss at grill.
2. Do a hard reset by leaving the white switch pulled out and both red lights lit for 1 full minute (60 seconds).
Push the white switch back inward. The two red lights should go out. Restart the grill.
c. Is grill working properly now?
1. If yes: The store will be called the next business day to resolve any further points.
2. If no: An emergency call will be dispatched.
2. Calls that will receive a follow-up the next business day.
a. Issues affecting a single platen. (Cook cycle interrupt, platen comes up too fast, platen won't open, etc.)
b. Requests for grill parts. (Release sheets are ordered with food order and smallwares are ordered from Kitchen
Equipment Supplier [KES].)
1. Name
2. Company
3. Serial Number
4. Phone Number
5. City, State
6. Are you a Taylor technician?