Page 1: ...EAD these instructons carefu y be re n a ln9 and opefat n9 the oVen Kee them forfurther referenCe 2 Record in the s aGe beIo vthe sERIAL N0 found on the namepIate on your oven and retain this informat...
Page 2: ...nges and atches foken r osened c D rsea s and se 1ng s oces 4 The oven shoVld ot be djusted or repa ed by ny ne except prope y qual ed ser Ce rson e Co TE T PRECAuTI0Ns To AvoID PosslBLE EXP0sVRE T0 E...
Page 3: ...t designed for industrel 0f abora r use 7 As Wth any a p anoe C 0se superJision is necessa y hen used by Gh dren 8 TO redvce the rsk of fre iil the oVen aV ty Do n0t 0Vero00k food Carefv y auend ap en...
Page 4: ...damaged or dropped 17Do n timme e Co or pug n Water Keep Cofd aw y ff m heated surFaCe D not e1c rd hang over edge of tab e or counter 18 se only therm meters Wh Ch e specf ca y desig ned fo use in m...
Page 5: ...the e be any nle fofenCe CaVsed by the m crowave oven to yourrad r TV check that the micr v aVe oVen is on e di er nt circu t reIOCated the radio or TV as far a ay m the oVen as feasib e or CheCk os...
Page 6: ...ood Use0nly forshod term heat g suCh as aiming dinner ro s ra feW seeonds Baske and bov ls mey benammeb e No1ReCommo ded Gla jar and bott es Re ar gI ss is too thin t0be used in a miCfo ave Can shett...
Page 7: onIy sma amounts of a uminum fo Larger amounts Can damage yovr oven Turnsng Turn foods oVer mid ay through Cooking to eX ose a arts to miCroWaVe energy This is GonVent ona Cook ng provided y u keep...
Page 8: ...e seem t0be system 01henvise the microwaVe energy W notnoW n1o the ven opera1ng pro er test the oVtet th F N0N oF THE AB0VE R CT F Es THE slTUAtION THEN C0NT 0tA0UALlFlED TECHNICIAN D0N0t TRY T0ADJUst...
Page 9: ...m is ln pfoCess C00 Use fo mu ti slage cooking EnabIes cooking at mu p e po er nd me s ttings aVtoma Ca y C00 B WElGHT Programi ed C00k ng based on the VVeight of the foodsto be oo0ked DEFR0sT BY VVEI...
Page 10: on the dispIay show t09 ENTER CL00 TIME f you fef r IO not 3 TCuCh sTART sT0P to slait Cooking You Can GheCk the CloCk time vh e cook ng is in progre s by touching the0LOCK pad sETTINo HE OVEN TI E...
Page 11: ...uChing c rreC1nv mbe pads Dig bI umer sets minutes and seConds om e to right so a sing e digtcan be set 5for5 seconds of up to 4 d g ls 2405 for 24 m nu1es5seConds 3 ToVCh S RT st0P N0TE A er time has...
Page 12: time 4si9na s sound and END pea in disp ay Touch REsET or open oVen door to clear END befofe slarting another Cooking undi n sEtTING CHILD 0C TOuCh DEFR0sT BY VVElGHT p o 2 Enter eight 3 TouCh sTAR...
Page 13: ...entree or2 entrees 3 TouGh START ST0P pad sEtt G RE EAT Fof potatoes 35to50z pef entres 1 TOuch P0TAT0pad onoe 2 Enter number of potRtoes by touGhing numbef pads from1 to4 3 TOuch sT RT sT0P pad For l...
Page 14: ...vty 1oor for c eaning be sufe to repIace in the roper pos tion 3 4 5 6 CIeaning Keep the ns de of the oven C ean Vhen food sp auers r sp Ied qv ds adhere to oVen Va s wipe h a dam C oth M d detergent...