NQ Pack Assembly
First check that the pin 1 positions on the pad pattern and all of the components are correctly
1. Mount the NQPACK on the Target.
2. Install the YQPACK after checking for a match with the position of pin 1 for the NQPACK.
Then use the guides to affix the YQPACK to the NQPACK.
Do NOT use the screws included with the YQPACK for fixing the YQPACK. Do NOT use
the screwdriver included with the NQPACK for fixing the Guides. Note that you need to
provide your own screwdriver.
3. Connect the Emulation Adapter after checking for a match with the position of pin 1 for the
YQPACK, and connect the Debug Adapter / Active Probe from the BlueBox to the connector on
the Emulation Adapter. For more information on how to connect iSYSTEM hardware refer to
Emulation Adapter
YQPACK with guides
Electronic circuit PCB