EU Declaration of Conformity
JohnsonDiversey Switzerland
CH-9542 Münchwilen
hereby declare that the product described below both in this basic design and construction
and in the version marketed by us conforms to the relevant safety- and health-related
requirements of the appropriate EU Directive.
This declaration shall cease to be valid if modifications are made to the product without our
Applicable EU Directives:
Machinery Directive (98/37/EEC) in version 98/79/EEC
EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) (89/336/EEC) in version 98/13/EEC
Harmonised standards applied:
EN 60 335-1;94/EN 60 335-1-A1;96/EN 60 335-1-A2;00/EN 60 335-1-A11;95/
EN 60 335-1-A12;96/EN 60 335-1-A13;98/EN 60 335-1-A14;98/EN 60 335-1-A15;00/
EN 60 335-1-A16;01/ EN 60 335-2-72;98/ EN 60 335-2-72-A1;00/ EN 55014-1;00/
EN 61 000-4-2;95/ EN 61 000-4-2-A1;98/ EN 61 000-4-2-A2;01/EN 61 000-4-3;96/
EN 61 000-4-3-A1;98/ EN 61 000-4-3-A2;01
It is ensured through internal measures that series-production units conform at all times to
the requirements of current EU Directives and relevant standards
The signatories act on behalf of company management and with full power of attorney.
scrubber dryer
combimat 1400/1500/1600/1700/1800
co 1400/1600/1800 - co 1700/1800
Technical Data:
1300/1500/1700W - 1300/1500W
Dipl. Ing. (FH) D.Windmeisser
Dipl. Ing. (FH) P. König