TASCAM Pocketstudio 5
Reference Manual
4 – Patterns on the Pocketstudio 5
The tone generator built into the Pocketstudio 5
allows you to make up sophisticated backing tracks
for your songs easily and quickly.
The preset patterns have been professionally set up to
give you the widest possible choice for a base to your
compositions. You can change the key, the running
order of the patterns, and even the instrumentation of
the songs to make them uniquely your own.
Since the Pocketstudio 5 provides a high degree of
flexibility and there are a lot of choices available to
you, you should spend some time reading this sec-
tion, and seeing what’s available.
We assume that you know about the basic navigation
techniques to use with the Pocketstudio 5. If you are
not yet familiar with these, we suggest that you read
“Basic use of the Pocketstudio 5” on page 13 of the
Getting Started guide.
A sample song
First, we’ll work through a simple 12-bar blues pat-
tern with an intro, a couple of verses, a fill and
another verse in a bluesy rock and roll style in E.
Don’t worry if 12-bar blues isn’t your personal taste,
and you like to play in another key—the principles
we’ll use will work with your songs, no matter what
your personal style of music.
Selecting a style
The first thing to do is to select the style in which you
are going to work.
Make sure that the
parameter in the
menu is set to
From the main menu, select
, to enter
the pattern menu.
The first field,
(category) allows you to
select a category (the different styles are arranged in
categories, so you can find them easier).
Here, you use the wheel to select
Use the cursor pad to move to the Style (style) field,
and use the wheel to select
(old rock
and roll).
Bring up the
fader and the
fader, and
to audition the preset arrangement.
followed by
when you’ve heard
Setting up the song arrangement
We use arrangement here to mean the order in which
the parts of the song are arranged, rather than the
arrangement in terms of instrumentation (which is
another musical use of the term).
For this song, we’ll have a 4-bar Intro, a 12-bar verse
(type A), a 12-bar verse (type B), a 4-bar fill from a B
to an A verse, a 12-bar A-type verse, followed by a 4
bar ending.
There are two pattern holders for the arrangement.
One is the preset area (as the name suggests, you
can’t edit it) and the other is the user area (you’re the
user—it’s your area!).When you create a song, the
preset area is copied to the user area.
Select the user area
Use the cursor pad to move
up to
(arrange), and use the wheel to select
Start arranging the song
Then press
enter the song arrangement screen:
C t g r y
R o c k 1
S t y l e : 6 0 s H r o c k
T e m p o :
= 1 0 0
A r n g e : P r e s e t
. ;
C t g r y
R o c k 3
S t y l e : O l d R c k R o l
T e m p o :
= 1 0 0
A r n g e : P r e s e t
. ;
A r n g e
U s e r
C h o r d :
D r u m
: S t a n d a r d
B a s s
: F i n g e r B s
1 - I n t r o
5 - V e r s e A (
4 )
9 - V e r s e A *
1 2 - F i l l A B (
1 )